Friday, November 5, 2010

Praying For Your Enemies

     You may have to pray for your enemies sometimes. This may mean moving Mr. Pride or Sis. Selfish out of the way for the moment. Jesus told His disciples, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you. (Matt. 5:44). This is not easy, but when you can get to this point in your walk with Christ, it’s a beautiful thing. And it doesn’t matter where you pray. You may want to cry out to God while in your livingroom, bedroom or even your bathroom, as I once did, when I asked Him for peace.
     I prayed that God would keep my neighbors so busy they wouldn’t have time to be inconsiderate, mean and disrespectful toward me just because I serve Him. I prayed that God would put something in their lives that would humble them, and cause them to pray – something that would make them realize how hurtful they were. Why did I pray in this manner? Because I knew first hand that it would open their eyes. I told God that I was His servant and that I needed an instant response. Most times, I've had to wait on God's timing to get a response, but on this day, He heard my cry and gave me total peace.
     God does answer prayers.

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