A Trick of the Enemy

   Before my book, Faith Reclaimed, was published, satan placed thoughts in my mind about leaving his name out of it. Of course, as much havoc as he had been wreaking in my life, there was no way I would omit him. The battle in my mind was about how to identify him. Let me explain just how the devil can catch you off your guard.
   One night when I was washing dishes, satan spoke to me about not mentioning his name. In fact, I actually tried to think of a nicer way to identify him and the demonic spirits he sent to attack me. Questions swirled around my mind. Will others accept or reject what I honestly and truthfully write about my struggles for being so blatantly honest and truthful? Will people understand if I called the enemy satan? Should I call him the devil? This may sound absurd, but this is exactly how satan operates – in a perverted manner. He places doubt and confusion in the mind. Everything he does is twisted, and is not of God.
   Before I knew it, I was washing my dishes so vigorously that the handle from the tea cup broke off in one piece, cutting my pinky finger. I dropped the ceramic cup into the metal sink as the blood rushed from my finger so forcefully, it seemed as though it would never stop. I didn’t panic though. Instead, I pleaded the blood of Jesus, for I knew that the confusion in my mind was a trick of the enemy. It forced me to speak out loud, “Devil, you are a liar. And just for that, you will be exposed.” As soon as we dwell on the imaginations or strongholds in our minds, we’ve got to cast them down. We must remove them, for just that quickly these thoughts can cause destruction.
   When I finally controlled the bleeding and put a bandage on my finger, I thought about what had transpired. Satan knew I was going to expose his evil ways, so he placed a small distraction in my life to cause worry and fear. I was afraid of what people would think if I identified the devil in my book. But God did not give me a spirit of fear, but of love, power and a sound mind. I had to encourage myself and speak the Word. I remembered Eph. 6:10-11, which says, Stay strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God so that you can stand against the wiles (tricks) of the devil.
   This trick of the devil caused me to think about what Joseph told his brothers when they tried to kill him: You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good. (Gen 50:20). When the devil tried to kill and destroy me, I became more determined to write about his cunningness, and give God more praise and glory.
   While I walk by faith as I continue my book-writing ministry and encouraging other parents, I cannot give up. I have learned to follow the voice of God. When God gives you an assignment, no matter how little knowledge you may have of it, you’d be wise to follow. Take heed to His instructions, for disobedience is worse than sinning.
   Regardless of what people think or say about you, be encouraged. Be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord. (1Cor. 15:58). You must get to the point where you are so far removed from the opinions of others, and so confident in your faith in God and His ability to do all things but fail, that it really seems pathetic of the devil to think his tricks will work against the plan of God on your life. And despite the imperfections and impurities of your past, know that God’s purpose is to use you just as you are, and right where you are.
   In Faith Reclaimed, I reveal how dangerous and tricky the devil can be as he came to steal, kill and destroy me. But prayer, praise and the preached Word of God delivered me from all evil.